• 1398/06/12 - 14:07
  • تعداد بازدید خبر : 42
  • زمان مطالعه: 1 دقیقه

The One-day Workshop on Dealing with Traumatic Patients

A one-day workshop on “dealing with the traumatic patient” was held at the Nursing faculty in Rasht, on February 14, 2019.

The one-day
workshop was held by GRTRC and in collaboration with Deputy of Education of GUMS
at the Nursing Faculty. The participants in this workshop presented following
topics: dealing with a traumatic patient by Dr. Seyyed Mehdi Ziaziabari; head trauma,
using a Scope, back board, how to open helmets on a mannequin, doing Log-roll
on a mannequin by Dr. Zoheir Reihanian; airway management,
using bag valve mask and ventilation (BMV), intubation using a laryngoscope on moulage
and using LMA by Dr. Siamak Rimaz, doing cricothyroidotomy on a mannequin;
Emergency bleeding wounds healing; practicing sutures on mannequins by Dr. Moein
Moghaddam Ahmadi; thorax traumas, needle tracheostomy, chest intubation on mannequin
by Dr Ramin Ebrahimian; pregnant and elderly trauma by Dr Vahid Monasf; extremities
and pelvis trauma, using splint on mannequin, pelvic fixation by sheets on mannequin
by Dr. Hossein Ettehad; multiple blunt trauma of abdomen and pelvis by Dr. Iraj
Baghi; and central and peripheral vascular injury by Dr. Hossein Hemmati. It should
be noted that Dr. Seyyed Mehdi Ziaziabari was the scientific secretary of the

  • گروه خبری : grtrc news
  • کد خبر : 51213
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آخرین بروز رسانی : 1398/06/12 14:07